Trey Gowdy on Strzok-Page FBI Texts: “Today We Saw a Text About Not Keeping Texts” (VIDEO)

With five and a half months of text messages suddenly gone-a-missin' between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the FBI is letting their corruption show.  The Fix was in during the election, and now post-election to destroy a sitting President, The Fix is in even deeper.
We know it, they know it, and they know we know it.
Stand Strong America and keep the pressure on, because the lying socialist mainstream media in this nation are complicit in the sedition and sabotage of our Republic. -W.E.



According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 50,000 text messages were exchanged between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. These 50,000 text messages do not include the ‘missing’ texts.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said after reviewing the new text messages he believes there may have been a “secret society” of folks within the DOJ and FBI working against Trump.

Rep. John Ratcliffe and Rep. Trey Gowdy spoke with Fox News on Monday after the news broke about the 50,000 new text messages.

The Federalist reported:

Gowdy said the explanation for the missing text messages may be fishier than the official explanation, saying he saw Strzok and Page discuss getting rid of texts in a printout of the messages he and other members of Congress received last week.

“Lay aside this glaring five-month gap in text that the world’s premier agency somehow missed” the bias of these agents, Gowdy began. “What Johnny and I saw today was a text about not keeping texts. We saw more manifest bias against President Trump all the way through the election into transition.”

“It’s a strange coincidence,” Ratcliffe said. “It’s possible these these messages that were missing, perhaps it is a strange coincidence.”

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