OUCH! Sean Spicer Scolds White House Reporter For Defending Evelyn Farkas (VIDEO)
The socialist media, pretending to be journalists, continue to unashamedly be in bed with the Democrats, as sure as the sun comes up in the east. This media/Democrat collusion is daily on full display- and they do it with such straight faces it's remarkable. -W.E.
Washington D.C. – A White House reporter defended former Obama official, Evelyn Farkas today and Sean Spicer wasn’t having it!
Farkas is currently in hot water for statements she made in March 2nd MSNBC interview about her knowledge of the Obamagate scandal.
Sean Spicer: “I would assume that as a reporter who is actually interested in the story…it might be worth asking her what she’s talking about, who she spread it to, why she did it…maybe those are appropriate..”

White House reporter: “Farkas left the administration in 2015 um so, why is what she said in 2017 relevant to something that allegedly happened in 2016?
Sean Spicer: “Uh the question I would ask..exactly..she’s saying I’m urging my colleagues, I’m urging it to get to The Hill. But it’s odd that the presumption is why is it interesting. Have you asked her? No! You haven’t!
I would assume that as a reporter who is actually interested in the story…my point is that you seem to be rushing to her defense. At some point she went on television and talked about actions that she and her colleagues took to spread classified information. Instead of defending her, it might be worth asking her what she’s talking about, who she spread it to, why she did it…maybe those are appropriate..”
Sean Spicer just gave these leftist reporters a little tune-up! Why are they rushing to her defense? This is a HUGE story and these ‘reporters’ are wondering why we are talking about it?! Pathetic!