SERVED: Shadow Government Subpoenaed

All the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men are trying to put Hillary back together again.  

If this doesn't perfectly encapsulate the depths of their arrogance and total disregard for our Republic and to We The People I don't know what does. 

Oh wait.  

There is "corrupt Hillary", telling lie after lie to us "deplorables" and getting away with it... along with all her other crimes.  

Oh, and then there is 8 years of Barack Obama lying, dividing and disregarding the U.S. Constitution. So there is that too.

Oh, and then there is the Congress (and the Justice Department, and the FBI) letting them get away with it as they all get richer.  

So, this is more of the same then.  More wagging a middle finger at America. 

And it never gets less maddening to watch. -W.E.


The cult of Hillary was called in to answer for their privatized investigation into Clinton’s emails.
Facing the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, spokespersons for the DOJ, State Department, FBI, Department of National Intelligence, The CIA, The Geo spatial Intelligence Agency, and The NSA faced a frustrated Congress that had been given the cold shoulder when it came to the sharing of key details of Hillary Clinton’s endangerment of U.S. National Security.

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