ISISI Led Paramilitary Forces Are Probing US Defenses In Preparation for a Major Attack
There are claims that are going to be made in this article that will, on the surface, seem to be quite unbelievable.
However, the facts have established that ISIS and their partners (e.g. Hamas, Sinoloas , Zetas, Sanchez Peredes) have penetrated into the United States and have set up deep cover residence. This latter fact is not surprising. What is surprising is that ISIS has engaged the US military and the the US military has engaged an ISIS led conglomeration of terror groups on US soil.
In the first part of this article, the case supporting a strong ISIS presence on American soil is made. In the second part of the article, the case for the engagement of ISIS led forces is offered.

Between John Moore’s warning and the visual evidence, there is not
doubt that ISIS has established their presence in places like St.
How quickly we forget about Pam Geller’s “Draw a Prophet” event in Richardson, Texas in which two ISIS member traveled from Phoenix to Texas intent on killing everyone at the event but were fortunately stopped by local law enforcement. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on American soil.

The attack on American military recruiters in Chattanooga, TN., was
carried with sophisticated military precision. Abdulazzeez carried a
diversion attack to draw law enforcement to one area, so he could carry
out his primary attack seven miles away. The diversion bought him the
time he needed to carry out the execution of these servicemen.
Of course, ISIS wasted no time claiming responsibility for this heinous crime.
On the surface this appears to be a tragic accident as an Iraqi pilot, who was our partner in our fight against ISIS, was tragically killed in an accident. In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth.
I previously reported that I had two confidential sources, one who is on the inside, and another who has connections to those on the inside and they are both independently saying the same thing. “The crash of this F-16 plane was no accident”. The circumstantial evidence forms a “preponderance of the evidence” which supports the fact that Russia is ultimately responsible for the take down of this particular F-16.
The proliferation of EMP weapons has expanded beyond previously unimagined levels. There are how to manuals on how to make your own. However, the type of weaponry designed to take down an F-16 flying at about 10,000 feet would have to be amazingly sophisticated and would likely be guided by portable radar with the assistance of lasers. In my previous article, I demonstrated how Russia supplied the weapon to ISIS and how they carried out the attack.
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, President Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration officials are the proverbial crickets chirping. Obama is willing to chase ISIS into Syria and risk a confrontation with Russia, but he ignores this well-documented ISIS base camp which is located mere miles from the border and El Paso, Texas. This base camp has jumped to the top of the suspect list as to who initiated the take down of the crashed F-16.
Is there any doubt that ISIS is here and they are probing our defense before the final attack.
There were also two hunters, in the area, who heard the explosion and saw the tracer rounds. A subsequent investigation conducted by locals found Humvee tracks and other truck tracks in this remote area.
Multiple Martin County residents called the Sheriff and reported the events. The Sheriffs Department could care less. They blamed the explosion on someone, who probably had dynamite. This explanation does not address the automatic gunfire. The Sheriff’s Department and the local media, who have been told, do not want to get involved.
I have take the existing evidence to experts who have concluded that a bunker buster bomb was dropped in the area from a plane, flying at 20,000 feet, and this event was followed by automatic gunfire leaving the two experts that I spoke with to conclude that a bomb was dropped and when the targets made a run for it they confronted with automatic weapons blocking an escape route.
Is this a rogue and covert Jade Helm operation sent to interdict ISIS infiltrators? Remember, I received an email from a Texas Ranger who said that stopping ISIS incursions had become their primary function.
There are claims that are going to be made in this article that will, on the surface, seem to be quite unbelievable.
However, the facts have established that ISIS and their partners (e.g. Hamas, Sinoloas , Zetas, Sanchez Peredes) have penetrated into the United States and have set up deep cover residence. This latter fact is not surprising. What is surprising is that ISIS has engaged the US military and the the US military has engaged an ISIS led conglomeration of terror groups on US soil.
In the first part of this article, the case supporting a strong ISIS presence on American soil is made. In the second part of the article, the case for the engagement of ISIS led forces is offered.
ISIS Participation in the Ferguson Riots
My friend and fellow broadcaster, John Moore, issued the following email in late November of 2014 which contained the following excerpts:Dateline: St. Louis, MO. 11/25/14John Moore and Dan Page’s assertion that ISIS was a motivating force in the Ferguson riots was supported by the following photo and two tweets.
From: John Moore
“It was less than an hour after St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney completed his statement on the results of the Grand Jury inquiry that the violence commenced…
I have three friends involved in the matter in Ferguson reporting in private and on-air. They are Dan Page (USA retired), Mr. Sam Andrews coordinator of the Oath Keepers in this matter and a friend of 25 + years we are calling “American Patriot”.
Be advised: Command Sergeant Major (RET), Dan Page, states he has intelligence that we have direct involvement of ISIS (Islamic State In Iraq) and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) on the ground in Ferguson/St.Louis. Further be advised: my reporters and myself are convinced the protesters want out-of-control chaos up to and including fatalities on both sides.
Local AM talk radio is bursting with callers wondering why there was no police/National Guard presence to protect what was clearly the most vulnerable targets of the rioters, namely the businesses in Ferguson and St. Louis that were well-known to be flash points for violence.
The consensus of the men on the ground is that tonight’s violence (11/25/14) will be far worse than last night. It’s more than a bit surprising that there were no known fatalities last night, given the fact that there was gunfire in Ferguson, including automatic weapons fire…
John Moore

As you get ready to watch football, realize that they are here. They exploit every situation and they are recruiting our youth.
Pam Geller and Draw a Prophet Event
How quickly we forget about Pam Geller’s “Draw a Prophet” event in Richardson, Texas in which two ISIS member traveled from Phoenix to Texas intent on killing everyone at the event but were fortunately stopped by local law enforcement. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on American soil.
The ISIS Execution of American Servicemen

cell assassin, Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, who murdered four American
servicemen on the first day of Jade Helm exercises.
Of course, ISIS wasted no time claiming responsibility for this heinous crime.
Armed with Russian Localized EMP Weapons, ISIS Led Forces Bring Down An F-16 Near the Border
On the surface this appears to be a tragic accident as an Iraqi pilot, who was our partner in our fight against ISIS, was tragically killed in an accident. In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth.
I previously reported that I had two confidential sources, one who is on the inside, and another who has connections to those on the inside and they are both independently saying the same thing. “The crash of this F-16 plane was no accident”. The circumstantial evidence forms a “preponderance of the evidence” which supports the fact that Russia is ultimately responsible for the take down of this particular F-16.
The proliferation of EMP weapons has expanded beyond previously unimagined levels. There are how to manuals on how to make your own. However, the type of weaponry designed to take down an F-16 flying at about 10,000 feet would have to be amazingly sophisticated and would likely be guided by portable radar with the assistance of lasers. In my previous article, I demonstrated how Russia supplied the weapon to ISIS and how they carried out the attack.
ISIS Base Camp Near El Paso
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, President Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration officials are the proverbial crickets chirping. Obama is willing to chase ISIS into Syria and risk a confrontation with Russia, but he ignores this well-documented ISIS base camp which is located mere miles from the border and El Paso, Texas. This base camp has jumped to the top of the suspect list as to who initiated the take down of the crashed F-16.
Is there any doubt that ISIS is here and they are probing our defense before the final attack.
The Composition of ISIS Led Forces
Last week, I published a story which detailed the interconnection between most major Middle Eastern terror groups, MS-13the largest drug and arms shipping cartel in the world, the Sanchez Peredes as well as most of the major Mexcian drug cartels who are receiving paramilitary training in San Salvador. Training for what? Many are thinking that they are training for military incursions into the United States.Marlon Brock Recordings
Recently, I published a story which contained automatic gunfire on a recording made in the southern end of Martin County. According to Brock, this was followed by a major explosion. This event repeated itself three days later.There were also two hunters, in the area, who heard the explosion and saw the tracer rounds. A subsequent investigation conducted by locals found Humvee tracks and other truck tracks in this remote area.
Multiple Martin County residents called the Sheriff and reported the events. The Sheriffs Department could care less. They blamed the explosion on someone, who probably had dynamite. This explanation does not address the automatic gunfire. The Sheriff’s Department and the local media, who have been told, do not want to get involved.
I have take the existing evidence to experts who have concluded that a bunker buster bomb was dropped in the area from a plane, flying at 20,000 feet, and this event was followed by automatic gunfire leaving the two experts that I spoke with to conclude that a bomb was dropped and when the targets made a run for it they confronted with automatic weapons blocking an escape route.
Is this a rogue and covert Jade Helm operation sent to interdict ISIS infiltrators? Remember, I received an email from a Texas Ranger who said that stopping ISIS incursions had become their primary function.
Greeley, Colorado and Cheyenne Wyoming
Paul Martin contacted me last night to
inform me that a Weld County Sheriff had confided in him that he knew
for a fact that ISIS was in both Greeley and Cheyenne. No other details
were conveyed. However, this is very interesting because the Monfort
Meat Packing Plant was routinely raided by the Federal Goverment for
hiring a massive amount of illegal aliens. In this present
administration, no such raid would ever take place because Obama has
opened the flood gates to illegal immigrants. The Monfort plant would be
an ideal location for terrorists, posing as immigrants to work and
build a staging are from which to launch their future operations.
Documented recent history serves to support this notion.
It is clear when we look at the current
event, and combine them with past events, that terrorist organizations,
with paramilitary training, would cross our border like any other
immigrant. Only these “immigrants” have dire intentions.
I am confident that the approximately 5000
residents of Martin County, TX. and the resident of Greeley, CO. and
Cheyenne, WY., are going to become hypervigilant and much more is going
to surface.