ISIS Troops Are Penetrating the U.S. Border and Are Engaging Any Who Oppose Them
The Laredo Morning Times is reporting that a Border Patrol helicopter was shot at and was struck on Friday evening near La Bota Ranch, according to Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar. Sheriff Cuellar said that out of the five shots, two were confirmed to have hit the helicopter.
A Spokesperson for the Border Patrol, Sara Melendez, said the helicopter landed safely and no injuries were reported. It has not been confirmed if the shots were fired on the U.S. or Mexico side.
A later Border Patrol statement says the crew of the Office of Air and Marine helicopter was patrolling the US-Mexico border near the banks of the Rio Grande when attacked about 5:30 p.m. Friday. According to the Border Patrol, bullets hit the ride side of the aircraft and the rotor blade, which could have produced catastrophic results, but the pilot was able to land safely with no injuries to Border Patrol personnel.
The MSM coverup instantly sprang into action as CNN reported that the shots came from inside of Mexico. Not so, according to my Border Patrol source.
This is not the first time that this area of the border has been at the center of border incursions by 5th column insurgents who have crossed the border. Nothing happens in isolation. My BP source said that the field report filed by the ranking BP official in that particular sector stated that the helicopter was maintaining a watch on what appeared troop movements 5-15 miles inside of the United States. In this same area, five years ago, the Laredo Police Department have now admitted that the police blotter evidence released by Kim Dvorak of the San Diego Examiner showed that the Los Zetas drug cartel seized a privately owned ranch in the Laredo area was indeed accurate. Authorties have spent the last five years debunking this claim despite the official record.
The police blotter reads as follows:

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, President Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration officials are the proverbial crickets chirping. Obama is willing to chase ISIS into Syria and risk a confrontation with Russia, but he ignores this well-documented ISIS base camp which is located mere miles from the border and El Paso, Texas.

My BP source informed that the BP helicopter was investigating what appeared to be waiting vehicles as the “troops” approached from the south. Again, I ask what is the role of Jade Helm? It is difficult to believe that these two events are not somehow connected. My source is certain that it was ISIS that fired upon the helicopter in a show of limited force. Limited force? ISIS has an almost unlimited supply of hand held stinger missiles. It is my source’s belief that ISIS is still trying to maintain a low profile until they go live and commence operations within the United States.
We know the Russians are here along with a growing Chinese troop presence. We are gaining proof by the day that ISIS is penetrating the perimeter of the United States with paramilitary forces. Is this the vanguard of an international martial law-enforcing army that will first bring chaos which will be followed by martial law? Will this result in an armed occupation involving foreign troops?
These events could give new meaning to the false flag event as this could be a false flag war in the making which is made possible because the Border Patrol is not allowed to engage. The area where the BP helicopter was attacked is only a hop, skip and a jump from routes that intersect with I-10 and I-35. If ISIS has etablished a corridor which grants them access to these routes, then they can strike anywhere and at anytime inside of the United States.
Why isn’t the military being stationed at these key points? Instead, we find dead zones, where almost no Border Patrol officials are stationed. How soon will it be until we see the following in American towns?

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.
The Laredo Morning Times is reporting that a Border Patrol helicopter was shot at and was struck on Friday evening near La Bota Ranch, according to Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar. Sheriff Cuellar said that out of the five shots, two were confirmed to have hit the helicopter.
A Spokesperson for the Border Patrol, Sara Melendez, said the helicopter landed safely and no injuries were reported. It has not been confirmed if the shots were fired on the U.S. or Mexico side.
A later Border Patrol statement says the crew of the Office of Air and Marine helicopter was patrolling the US-Mexico border near the banks of the Rio Grande when attacked about 5:30 p.m. Friday. According to the Border Patrol, bullets hit the ride side of the aircraft and the rotor blade, which could have produced catastrophic results, but the pilot was able to land safely with no injuries to Border Patrol personnel.
The MSM coverup instantly sprang into action as CNN reported that the shots came from inside of Mexico. Not so, according to my Border Patrol source.
Dusting Off Old Reliable Sources
Subsequent to this report, I was able to contact one of the two Border Patrol (BP) personnel who provided me with very accurate behind-the-scenes intelligence information last summer during the Central American immigration invasion of the United States. The source told me, late last night, that the event took place inside of the United States. The area, outside of Laredo, is mostly unguarded. I asked the BP source about the 75% reduction in BP force along certain parts of the border. He informed me that in many areas, the border is in complete disarray, is totally unguarded and are hotbeds for blatant and rampant criminal activity.This is not the first time that this area of the border has been at the center of border incursions by 5th column insurgents who have crossed the border. Nothing happens in isolation. My BP source said that the field report filed by the ranking BP official in that particular sector stated that the helicopter was maintaining a watch on what appeared troop movements 5-15 miles inside of the United States. In this same area, five years ago, the Laredo Police Department have now admitted that the police blotter evidence released by Kim Dvorak of the San Diego Examiner showed that the Los Zetas drug cartel seized a privately owned ranch in the Laredo area was indeed accurate. Authorties have spent the last five years debunking this claim despite the official record.
The police blotter reads as follows:
“On Friday 7-23-10 Laredo Webb informed that their county SWAT Team is conducting an operation in the Mines Rd. area. According to LT. Garcia with LSO (Laredo Sheriff Office) received a call from a ranch owner stating that the Zetas had taken over his ranch. As per the 17 (reporting person) he informed them that they stated La Compania (area business) was taking the ranch and no one was permitted on the ranch without permission. SO (Sheriff Office) will have an unmarked green Ford Taurus with two officers stationed at Los Compadres and a white Chevy Tahoe with two officers stationed at Mineral Rd. The LSO (Laredo Sheriff Office) will maintain surveillance in the area and advise if action is taken. Susp (suspect) Veh (vehicle) are described as a gray or silver Audi, a BLK (black) Escalade or Navigator and a van truck with a logo of a car wash spot free on the side. Border Patrol also has their response team on scene. Also known info of BMW’s and Corvettes entering and leaving the area. Auth LT Lichtenberger if assistance is requested LPD (Laredo Police Department) will secure the outer perimeter.”My source informed me that the cartels maintain a presence in the area that was never eradicated after the 2010 report and that the Border Patrol is not allowed to engage anyone in the area. The Los Zetas force is a well-trained paramilitary group which is a splinter group belonging to the Mexican Army that was trained by the United States military. Please note in the review of the Judicial Watch report, listed below, that the cartels are intimately involved with the ISIS presence near the border.
Related Story From El Paso

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, President Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration officials are the proverbial crickets chirping. Obama is willing to chase ISIS into Syria and risk a confrontation with Russia, but he ignores this well-documented ISIS base camp which is located mere miles from the border and El Paso, Texas.
Stunning Revelation

My BP source informed that the BP helicopter was investigating what appeared to be waiting vehicles as the “troops” approached from the south. Again, I ask what is the role of Jade Helm? It is difficult to believe that these two events are not somehow connected. My source is certain that it was ISIS that fired upon the helicopter in a show of limited force. Limited force? ISIS has an almost unlimited supply of hand held stinger missiles. It is my source’s belief that ISIS is still trying to maintain a low profile until they go live and commence operations within the United States.
We know the Russians are here along with a growing Chinese troop presence. We are gaining proof by the day that ISIS is penetrating the perimeter of the United States with paramilitary forces. Is this the vanguard of an international martial law-enforcing army that will first bring chaos which will be followed by martial law? Will this result in an armed occupation involving foreign troops?
These events could give new meaning to the false flag event as this could be a false flag war in the making which is made possible because the Border Patrol is not allowed to engage. The area where the BP helicopter was attacked is only a hop, skip and a jump from routes that intersect with I-10 and I-35. If ISIS has etablished a corridor which grants them access to these routes, then they can strike anywhere and at anytime inside of the United States.
Why isn’t the military being stationed at these key points? Instead, we find dead zones, where almost no Border Patrol officials are stationed. How soon will it be until we see the following in American towns?

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.