UPDATE: 13 Hours at Benghazi - Security Operators Told Consulate 'You Guys Are Gonna Die' if Attacked (Complete Video)

UPDATED 9-6- The original video from Breitbart is "no longer available, so I have added the entire "13 Hours at Benghazi" originally broadcast on Fox News on 9-5. - W.E.


Three security operators who were in Benghazi, Libya on the night of the September 11, 2012 terror attacks that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens said they knew the US consulate was not well-protected and told officials there “you guys are gonna die” if they were attacked on a Fox News special on Friday.
One of the operators, Mark Geist, when asked if the consulate was secure, responded “No, it looked nice. It was a beautiful compound.”
Kris Paronto, another operator, reported that in a conversation with individuals at the consulate “I said ‘if you guys get attacked, you guys are gonna die.’... I said, ‘if you ever need us, just call us, we’ll come get you.’”  He further declared that there was nothing out of the ordinary on September 11th, and he “didn't know about a video until I got to Germany.”
Operator John Tiegen stated that when Ambassador Chris Stevens visited “we were thinking there's only five guys to protect him and that's a huge compound.”

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