The Bundy Ranch Video Facebook Won’t Let You See?

NEVADA, April 14, 2014–  

The image above may well go down in history. 
We can all recall a time when a black woman named Rosa Parks defied law and won. No need exists to paint the picture. You already know it. You can already see her. Here we see a modern representation as Americans awaken to the insidious growth of our federal Creature. Over the weekend, a fierce standoff between Bundy Ranch militiamen and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) came to an end– For now.
Highlights from the events that took place are finished off with a dramatic conclusion in a Youtube video watermarked by InfoWars.
Posted yesterday, the video already has 105k hits. For all intents and purposes, the video has gone viral. However, some are saying that Facebook is doing its best to stand in the way of people seeing it. Reports started flooding the internet claiming that Facebook was blocking the video from being posted directly to their walls.
If you own a “conservative” Facebook page you know all too well that Facebook has been censoring, charging higher prices for ad space, and decreasing the social reach of your page when compared to more liberal leaning pages for quite some time now. It seemed plausible that Facebook may have taken such action.
Facebook users who attempted to share the video were met with an abrupt security pop-up:

It appears as though this happened to multiple non-related videos this afternoon. The situation now seems to be resolved and users are able to post the video once again directly to their walls.
Follow Michael Lotfi on Facebook and on Twitter.
Bundy Ranch: Who Actually Owns America’s Land?
Update: Feds planning a full scale raid on Bundy Ranch after “standing down.”

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