EXPOSED: Obama’s Plan To Confiscate Our Pensions And 401Ks
After Obama openly proclaimed in his State of the Union address that he would ignore Congress and give amnesty to millions of illegals, unilaterally raise the minimum wage, and act without Congressional approval on a host of other issues, Americans got worried that Obama was turning into a dictator.
What is on the horizon, however, may shock you.
Ever wonder why Obama is on a spending spree with no end in sight despite that fact that we’ve amassed a staggering debt that just eclipsed seventeen trillion dollars and is projected to be twenty trillion by 2016?
Last year, the International Monetary Fund—of which the U.S. is a member—ordered Greek citizens’ bank accounts and pensions be “taxed” to pay off their unsustainable debt. This “tax” amounted to a staggering ninety percent of Greek citizens’ life savings! Could Obama be planning the same thing in the United States?
Not only is he planning it, but he tried to do it in 2010, and was only stopped when the Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 mid-term elections.
But now that Obama is claiming dictatorial powers, nothing will stop him from doing whatever he wants: seizing Americans’ savings, dissolving Congress and the Supreme Court, and proclaiming himself to be “dictator for life.”
Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video for details about this Man of Perdition, Barack Hussein Obama.