Brainwashed America: Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps

Are these students really in favor of executing American gun owners?  Personally, I don't think so. I think it's much worse than that.  
What I believe Dice is actually showing is a microcosm of how American's are ready to go along with whatever someone tells them, becoming incapable to think critically, discerning right from wrong and how to make a decision based on truth, in a society where truth is relative.

Marching along the path like sheep to the slaughter, this is frightening. -W.E.


Media analyst Mark Dice has once again documented how many young Americans are completely disconnected from reality, capturing California college students signing a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners in concentration camps and even to have them executed.
“We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns.” Dice said to students on campus in San Diego, while they unquestioningly signed the petition to “repeal the Second Amendment.”
“These peasants don’t need guns,” Dice stated, adding “We want to put all registered gun owners in prison,” prompting one student to replay “Yes, it’s too dangerous.” for people to own guns.
“It’s just a simple repeal of the Second Amendment and we’ll be terminating and executing all of the gun owners.” Dice told another signatory who replied “OK, thank you.” and walked off.

“We are going to ban all guns except for the military and police.” Dice told another student, who signed the petition. “We’ll do door to door confiscations, we have lists of all the registered weapons, so the military will just go and take those away from people.” Dice added. “Ok.” the student replied.
Another male student signed the petition even though Dice suggested confiscating gun owners’ weapons and shooting them with them. “If they like their guns so much, let’s just feed the gun owners some of their own lead.” Dice ludicrously said.
“I didn’t think I could get any more ridiculous.” Dice stated after the student thanked him and went about his day.
But he did get more ridiculous. “We need to take these gun owners and put them into FEMA concentration camps to keep everybody safe.” Dice told a skateboarding jock who replied “well I agree with you there, keep them safe.” Although he refused to sign “something I don’t know anything about,” which is something the next student did not consider as he replied “sounds about right” to Dice’s FEMA camp suggestion.
Several other students then happily signed the petition, with responses such as “no problem!” as Dice suggested putting Americans in detention camps and killing them.
Dice has now successfully managed to persuade Americans in his area to agree to repeal the FirstSecond, ThirdFourth FifthSixth and Seventh Amendments, as well as the entire Bill Of Rights.

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