National Disaster Imminent? Why Has the U.N. Purchased Most National Parks and Targeted Major U.S. Cities?

Over the years, the United Nations has gradually purchased most of our precious National parks in the United States of America, and now they are working on buying all major U.S. cities. But why? What is the bigger picture? What is coming to America?
As the Obama ‘Regime’ childishly uses our National Parks and Monuments as weapons against it’s own veterans, citizens, and especially to threaten the Tea Party, and it’s values (The Constitution), few people are aware of the fact that we the people, United States citizens, do not control our own treasured landmarks. The United Nations (of which most member countries are our enemies) now controls most of our U.S. National Parks and Monuments including Yellowstone, the Everglades, the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, Thomas Jefferson’s home at Monticello, the Brooklyn Bridge, Yosemite,and the Grand Canyon – to name just a few….while U.S. taxpayers still foot the bill.
Jon Doughtery of WND said, “…if most Americans “knew what was going on (with their national parks), the uproar would be deafening.”Dougherty explains , “…(the U.N.) attempts to “globalize” huge portions of the United States — with taxpayers picking up the tab.”Agenda 21 is a United Nations document that was signed by Clinton and Bush that will allow the implementation of a one world government by gradually separating American citizens from their private property and “redistributing the wealth” globally. Globalists like Obama, Hilary, international bankers and George Soros are using many means to accomplish this including the implosion of the U.S. economy, the destruction of the U.S. family unit, and the ‘fake science’ of man-caused (anthropomorphic) global-warming/climate change’ endorsed (knowingly and unknowingly) by the environmentalist (earth worship) movement.“It is a well-documented fact that the U.N. is trying to gain control over vast amounts of U.S. territories to herd more people into cities where they are more manageable,” says Henry Lamb of Eco-Logic — a watchdog organization that monitors U.N. activities and U.S. sovereignty issues. —Victoria

Please note: in the video, I mistakingly said “state parks”. I can’t get into my youtube to make a notation at this time. CORRECTION: It is NOT state parks; it is NATIONAL parks. Thank you!
*Note: I have supplied links and quotes from ‘some’ older articles as a means of showing you evidence in regards to the subject matter of this news post. Thank you.
In early February (2008), nine U.S. States began the process of re-asserting their sovereignty pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution; declaring null and void any actions by Congress that violated the Constitution. The states took action to make certain the feds couldn’t give away cities or the states themselves! This situation is going to get VERY ugly, VERY fast as one sovereign power (the feds) try to literally give away the land of other sovereign powers, (the states). This is the type of thing that starts Civil War. Our present federal government makes the treachery and betrayal of Benedict Arnold look like child’s play! —
Iron Mountain- Blueprint to Tyranny (Full Documentary)
Watch the above documentary on the globalist agenda—One World Government. (Read “When The World Will Be As One” by Tal Brooke).
More On State Parks, Illuminati
More On State Parks VS UN
And, the NWO’s choice buyer? You guessed it—China!
According to Rense News, US Gives China Eminent Domain Over US Property, Beyond High Treason:
The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take — inside the USA — land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities – to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to “take” all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.
And, even more! See here, Investing News:
Chinese investors are buying up Detroit—Real estate buyers are snapping up dozens of properties, often sight unseen. Where else can you buy a 2-story home in the US for $39?
Detroit, broke with almost no prospects for recovery, is the fourth most popular U.S. destination for Chinese real estate investors. And it was bad news — the city’s July 18 bankruptcy filing — that triggered renewed interest. “While the bankruptcy is viewed as a bad thing elsewhere, it raised the exposure level of Detroit’s real estate market in China,” says Evonne Xu, a Michigan attorney catering to Chinese purchasers. Middle Kingdom, meet Motown.Chinese shoppers can’t resist a bargain.Where else can you buy a two-story home in the U.S. for $39? China Central Television, the state broadcaster, in March reported that two houses in Detroit cost the same as a pair of leather shoes. No wonder a poster on Sina Weibo, the Twitter-like service, pitched, “Seven-hundred thousand people, quiet, clean air, no pollution, democracy — what are you waiting for?”
Yet, another in the American Dream News Source:
China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South of Boise, Idaho
Still don’t believe it? Here, I will show you one more! This one is from The Economic Collapse News:Thanks to the trillions of dollars that the Chinese have made flooding our shores with cheap products, China is now in a position of tremendous economic power. So what is China going to do with all of that money? One thing that they have decided to do is to buy up pieces of the United States and set up “special economic zones” inside our country from which they can continue to extend their economic domination. One of these “special economic zones” would be just south of Boise, Idaho and the Idaho government is eager to give it to them.China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach for short) plans to construct a “technology zone” south of Boise Airport which would ultimately be up to 50 square miles in size. The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre “self-sustaining city” that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned “self-sustaining city” in Idaho would include manufacturing facilities, warehouses, retail centers and large numbers of homes for Chinese workers. Basically it would be a slice of communist China dropped right into the middle of the United States.
Will Toledo, Ohio Be The First Major American City To Be Owned By China?
It has been said that there are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One way is by using the sword, and the other is by using debt. Fortunately, America is not in danger of being conquered by the sword right now, but America is being conquered by debt. The borrower is the servant of the lender, and today we owe China more than a trillion dollars. By running a gigantic trade deficit with us, China has been able to become incredibly wealthy.We have begged them to lend us back some of the money that we have sent them and this has made them even wealthier. Now China is gobbling up U.S. real estate and U.S. assets at an astounding pace. In fact, some cities are in danger of becoming completely dominated by Chinese ownership. One of those cities is Toledo, Ohio. In many “rust belt” areas, real estate can be had for a song, and the Chinese are taking full advantage of this. America was once the wealthiest nation on earth, but now we are drowning in debt and we are being sold off in chunks to the highest bidder. Is this the legacy that we are going to leave for future generations? (CLICK HERE FOR RECENT UPDATE) (AND MORE RECENT UPDATES)
The United Nations (NWO/Illuminati) wants to possess everything because it gives them more control. What they are doing is setting up the kingdom on earth for end time events in which the antichrist, their god, will come and rule the world. In order for them to have absolute authority and complete control, they must conquer and own every single city, park, business, government agency, etc. there is. So, when Martial Law goes into effect and chaos grips the hearts of every man, woman, and child—they will quickly and effectively be able to squeeze the life out of anyone, and everyone, who does not conform.
And forget about hiding—there won’t be one place left that is untouched by their wicked talons!
The recent water crisis in FEMA Region Three is no more than a drill in order to test and dumb down society to their antics. Much worse is coming, but then at that moment, people will be weary and numbed to all of it. But you see? This is all part of their plan! No one will be prepared when the real alarm is sounded, and there will be every type of chaos imaginable…. Tada! Here comes the NWO one world government, led by none other than, the Antichrist.
Perfect plan, if I do say so myself.
I urge everyone who is reading this to begin making preparations. I could be wrong, but I predict between April and July, something HUGE is going to happen. My instincts tell me it will be the economic collapse.
I want you to pay close attention to the news. The moment you hear anything…and I mean anything…about banks closing down to upgrade the system, or for whatever reason…get your money out immediately!
Be sure to have a place to go “away” from the city, plenty of water, food, and medical provisions, including a solar powered generator. If you have been putting it off, research survival and find out exactly what you need to know. People get crazy during times of crisis. Survival mode kicks in, and many will be willing to kill for food and water!
Friends (and enemies)—you have a choice. You can choose to do nothing and sit by so that when the day comes, it will overtake you and you will not know what to do. Or, you can begin making preparations now, so that when it hits the fan, you will be ahead of the game and ready to roll. Get my drift? I can only tell you once again…and pay attention…because I may have ways of knowing certain things that I can’t reveal; VERY SOON!
Miscellaneous Facts About National Parks and the U.N.
Fact: The Clinton administration is implemented United Nations treaties without congressional or voter approval. Already 68% of our national parks and preserves are under U.N. administration.
Fact: U.N. committees are empowered to visit “World Heritage Sites” within the U.S. to judge whether human activity poses an environmental risk and if it need to be curtailed.
Fact: The Clinton administration is transferred tens of millions of acres of land to the federal government to be placed under U.N. control.
Fact: Towns in the Cuyahoga River Valley near Akron, Ohio, have lost much of their population as the National Park Service under U.N. provisions, has condemned and torn down homes, farms, forcing people to leave their land.
Fact: The U.N. Biodiversity Treaty supports the Wildlands Project, which calls for turning 50% of the U.S. into “wildlands” where humans would not be allowed, but animals could roam free. Concerned Women for America
And, a final tid-bit regarding UN/China buying out American cities:
Dot #12 Barack Hussein Obama is elected, promising “Change you can believe in.” After taking office in January, Obama sends Hillary Clinton on a critical mission to China and helps write H.R. 45 — a complete grab of America’s guns ala Adolph Hitler. State leaders who understand what Clinton and Obama agenda with China is about, are seeking legal “Sovereignty” to prevent the loss of property to a foreign power. —
There it is. All the news and facts laid out for you. I could add plenty more, but this article is already long enough. The decision is yours to make. To be, or not to be? That is the question! What will be your answer?