The Unspoken Success of ObamaCare
In case you doubt the socialist-totalitarian warning behind the article below, ponder a similar message by Kai Chen, who grew up in Communist China.
"Government is about power," Chen said recently.... "The bigger the government, the bigger the lie." Total government, like in China, is a total lie.
The rise of socialism begins with changing the way people use language.... For example, in China, the government talks about dealing with "the masses" and appealing to "the masses." That's not the talk of free people. "Ronald Reagan said don't use that language, 'masses,'" Chen said. "People are not masses; they're individuals."
"Socialism is evil. Communism is evil. Who today is talking like that?" Chen asked...."When you say, 'Government can do that,' you fall into their trap."....
Chen warned that Obamacare is not about health, it's about power. But that reality has been obscured by the doubletalk used by the government and media to describe the law. "People say, 'Oh, this rollout does not work,'" Chen said. "It's not supposed to work! It's one step to total control by the government!" ...the real point of Obamacare is to gain control of and centralize your personal information. 'You will become public people!'
By Douglas J. Hagmann, 12 November 2013
Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that the majority of Americans don’t fully understand the objectives of this plan....
First, it is vital to understand that the ACA is not now, nor never was, about providing affordable health care. It is merely disguised as such. Rather, it is the vehicle that is being covertly used to conduct the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that this nation has ever experienced. It is being done methodically and for a specific purpose. It is the vehicle that will ultimately disassemble and destroy significant parts of the United States Constitution and further enslave United States citizens.
Presently, all eyes are on the ostensible failures of the internet gateway or ACA website. This is precisely where the Obama regime and globalist handlers want our focus to be. The reason is that they want us to get caught up in the minutia and not see the bigger picture. But it’s a failure, you might say, and ascribe the failure to incompetence, graft, and so on. While generally true, we are being forced to examine only one tentacle of the octopus, while the rest of the creature is being hidden from view.
Perhaps this will become clearer if you stop for a moment and ask yourself just one question. How is it possible that the United States government can build, implement and manage the most intricate surveillance apparatus in the world, using a complex array of computers to amass data on people not just in the U.S., but all across the world, yet fail miserably on a less complex health care portal, exchange or web site? Put aside everything you’ve been told by the government and the media, both proponents and opponents of the ACA, and think for yourself. Does this make sense? If you are being truly intellectually honest, you must conclude that it does not.
So what is the real plan, the real objective? Moreover, how are they racing to accomplish their objectives? You are seeing it play out right in front of you, and there is no better example than the alleged failings of the internet based exchange or portal of the health care system. First, it is critical to understand that the internet exchange or website was intended to fail.
Employing multiple Marxist methods
To understand what you are seeing unfold, one simply has to understand the Hegelian Dialectic. Simply put, it is a method where a crisis or problem is manufactured, and that problem causes chaos within the system. This chaos was intentionally orchestrated by the Obama regime and their globalist handlers, and is exactly what we are now witnessing. The success of ObamaCare is, in part, dependent on the failure of the website and the resultant chaos.
Now that chaos surrounding the website exists and “threatens” the entire program, it is important to understand that the architects of this massive power transfer have already created a number of various predetermined solutions to advance their objectives. Their ultimate objective is to completely nationalize the entire health care industry of the United States, thus completely taking over one-sixth of the U.S. economy. Their goal all along has been to implement a single-payer system, where the federal government alone collects all fees for health care services, pays all costs, and has complete control. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish exactly that.
Therefore, it is by design that the Obama regime and their handlers have thrust upon America the very system of failure that will advance their agenda to a predetermined solution of the complete takeover and nationalization of the private health care industry. Nearly everyone is playing right into the hands of this Marxist ideology.
“Hegel’s dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action. Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels’ grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat. The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can’t be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda.” [Emphasis mine].
But that’s not all. In addition to employing the Hegelian Dialectic, the other Marxist method is detailed in the Cloward-Piven Strategy. This strategy was formulated by Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the husband and wife team working as professors at Columbia University in the 1960s. Their diabolical Marxist plan was first detailed in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation magazine.
Their strategy is elegant in its evilness and simplicity. As detailed by David Horowitz, the goal is to “hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. It is the strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis.”
End game objectives Once you understand that ObamaCare is not about providing a workable system of healthcare, and understand the Marxist tactics that are currently being used for its implementation as it was initially designed, the next logical step would be to identify the true objectives of the plan.
ObamaCare is the Pandora’s Box that will facilitate a number of objectives dear to the globalists. It will result in an unprecedented consolidation of power to the Executive Branch of the government.
It will serve to essentially nullify the Bill of Rights, subjugating the citizens of the United States to offenses more egregious than those that caused the American Revolution. It will give the federal government (and its agents) direct access to all of your private and personal information, including your health records, your personal financial information, and your employment records. It will also serve as a conduit to abolish your right to own and possess a firearm.
It will advance eugenics, or population control that is near and dear to the Fabian Socialists from which this regime has its roots. If you find that difficult to believe, simply refer to the father of Fabian Socialism himself, George Bernard Shaw, in this short video here. While viewing, keep in mind the “conspiracy of the death panels” associated with ObamaCare, and how we were marginalized for even suggesting such a thing.
ObamaCare will also serve as a tool of economic sabotage and will facilitate the killing of the U.S. dollar as I have previously detailed. It will thereby provide the means to usher in a system of global governance, or the “New World Order” that so many U.S. presidents and world leaders have advocated.
While the conservative leaders and pundits continue to keep you attentive to the failures of the ObamaCare website, please understand that the issue is much bigger, and the stakes are much greater. We’re in a fight for our very lives and the liberty provided by our constitution, but we’re being played. Don’t fall for it. Think bigger.
Pray. Prepare.
In case you doubt the socialist-totalitarian warning behind the article below, ponder a similar message by Kai Chen, who grew up in Communist China.
"Government is about power," Chen said recently.... "The bigger the government, the bigger the lie." Total government, like in China, is a total lie.
The rise of socialism begins with changing the way people use language.... For example, in China, the government talks about dealing with "the masses" and appealing to "the masses." That's not the talk of free people. "Ronald Reagan said don't use that language, 'masses,'" Chen said. "People are not masses; they're individuals."
"Socialism is evil. Communism is evil. Who today is talking like that?" Chen asked...."When you say, 'Government can do that,' you fall into their trap."....
Chen warned that Obamacare is not about health, it's about power. But that reality has been obscured by the doubletalk used by the government and media to describe the law. "People say, 'Oh, this rollout does not work,'" Chen said. "It's not supposed to work! It's one step to total control by the government!" ...the real point of Obamacare is to gain control of and centralize your personal information. 'You will become public people!'
By Douglas J. Hagmann, 12 November 2013
Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that the majority of Americans don’t fully understand the objectives of this plan....
First, it is vital to understand that the ACA is not now, nor never was, about providing affordable health care. It is merely disguised as such. Rather, it is the vehicle that is being covertly used to conduct the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that this nation has ever experienced. It is being done methodically and for a specific purpose. It is the vehicle that will ultimately disassemble and destroy significant parts of the United States Constitution and further enslave United States citizens.
Presently, all eyes are on the ostensible failures of the internet gateway or ACA website. This is precisely where the Obama regime and globalist handlers want our focus to be. The reason is that they want us to get caught up in the minutia and not see the bigger picture. But it’s a failure, you might say, and ascribe the failure to incompetence, graft, and so on. While generally true, we are being forced to examine only one tentacle of the octopus, while the rest of the creature is being hidden from view.
Perhaps this will become clearer if you stop for a moment and ask yourself just one question. How is it possible that the United States government can build, implement and manage the most intricate surveillance apparatus in the world, using a complex array of computers to amass data on people not just in the U.S., but all across the world, yet fail miserably on a less complex health care portal, exchange or web site? Put aside everything you’ve been told by the government and the media, both proponents and opponents of the ACA, and think for yourself. Does this make sense? If you are being truly intellectually honest, you must conclude that it does not.
So what is the real plan, the real objective? Moreover, how are they racing to accomplish their objectives? You are seeing it play out right in front of you, and there is no better example than the alleged failings of the internet based exchange or portal of the health care system. First, it is critical to understand that the internet exchange or website was intended to fail.
Employing multiple Marxist methods
To understand what you are seeing unfold, one simply has to understand the Hegelian Dialectic. Simply put, it is a method where a crisis or problem is manufactured, and that problem causes chaos within the system. This chaos was intentionally orchestrated by the Obama regime and their globalist handlers, and is exactly what we are now witnessing. The success of ObamaCare is, in part, dependent on the failure of the website and the resultant chaos.
Now that chaos surrounding the website exists and “threatens” the entire program, it is important to understand that the architects of this massive power transfer have already created a number of various predetermined solutions to advance their objectives. Their ultimate objective is to completely nationalize the entire health care industry of the United States, thus completely taking over one-sixth of the U.S. economy. Their goal all along has been to implement a single-payer system, where the federal government alone collects all fees for health care services, pays all costs, and has complete control. They are using the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish exactly that.
Therefore, it is by design that the Obama regime and their handlers have thrust upon America the very system of failure that will advance their agenda to a predetermined solution of the complete takeover and nationalization of the private health care industry. Nearly everyone is playing right into the hands of this Marxist ideology.
“Hegel’s dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action. Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels’ grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat. The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can’t be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda.” [Emphasis mine].
But that’s not all. In addition to employing the Hegelian Dialectic, the other Marxist method is detailed in the Cloward-Piven Strategy. This strategy was formulated by Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the husband and wife team working as professors at Columbia University in the 1960s. Their diabolical Marxist plan was first detailed in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation magazine.
Their strategy is elegant in its evilness and simplicity. As detailed by David Horowitz, the goal is to “hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. It is the strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis.”
End game objectives Once you understand that ObamaCare is not about providing a workable system of healthcare, and understand the Marxist tactics that are currently being used for its implementation as it was initially designed, the next logical step would be to identify the true objectives of the plan.
ObamaCare is the Pandora’s Box that will facilitate a number of objectives dear to the globalists. It will result in an unprecedented consolidation of power to the Executive Branch of the government.
It will serve to essentially nullify the Bill of Rights, subjugating the citizens of the United States to offenses more egregious than those that caused the American Revolution. It will give the federal government (and its agents) direct access to all of your private and personal information, including your health records, your personal financial information, and your employment records. It will also serve as a conduit to abolish your right to own and possess a firearm.
It will advance eugenics, or population control that is near and dear to the Fabian Socialists from which this regime has its roots. If you find that difficult to believe, simply refer to the father of Fabian Socialism himself, George Bernard Shaw, in this short video here. While viewing, keep in mind the “conspiracy of the death panels” associated with ObamaCare, and how we were marginalized for even suggesting such a thing.
ObamaCare will also serve as a tool of economic sabotage and will facilitate the killing of the U.S. dollar as I have previously detailed. It will thereby provide the means to usher in a system of global governance, or the “New World Order” that so many U.S. presidents and world leaders have advocated.
While the conservative leaders and pundits continue to keep you attentive to the failures of the ObamaCare website, please understand that the issue is much bigger, and the stakes are much greater. We’re in a fight for our very lives and the liberty provided by our constitution, but we’re being played. Don’t fall for it. Think bigger.
Pray. Prepare.