How Many MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Lies Can You Count About Veterans’ March? (VIDEO)
Who wishes to count them and let us know?
We replay the video, you report! God decides.
Thank you… no, thank you.
Video, 10/16, “Mirrored
Who wishes to count them and let us know?
We replay the video, you report! God decides.
Thank you… no, thank you.
By the way, about the Confederate Flag, there are many true patriots, even some of them of African descent, who regard that flag as a symbol of American freedom, as well as “pride of place.” I don’t, but they do. And, nearly every patriot rally of this size (or smaller) contains false-flag, Marxoid moles, using signs, banners, shouts, interviews, etc., to attempt to discredit those out to preserve authentic America.
We know who is trying to hide their true motives, of creating strife and especially preying upon blacks to be their own, perpetually imposed upon underclass, dependent upon paternalist rationing by operant conditioning, and those who survive the abortionists’ knives handled as pawns on the vanguard at the Progressive Plantation.
We know who, while smearing those who come out in the light of righteousness, project their own racism, as they ply their perverse, fifth-generational-warfare, to destroy America and replace it as Plantation Lord despots, with collectivism.