The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TLC), and Bilderbergers (with covert assistance from others) are said to run the world through manipulation of the banking and financial systems.
In the United States it is the Federal Reserve, a private organization that most Americans incorrectly assume is owned, run, and/or controlled by our government. In other countries, the World Bank is in control of international finance and ultimately tied to a group some call the "Illuminati."
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TLC), and Bilderbergers (with covert assistance from others) are said to run the world through manipulation of the banking and financial systems.
In the United States it is the Federal Reserve, a private organization that most Americans incorrectly assume is owned, run, and/or controlled by our government. In other countries, the World Bank is in control of international finance and ultimately tied to a group some call the "Illuminati."
Webster’s Illustrated
Encyclopedic Dictionary gives
the following definition
under the word
“illuminati,” and it
couldn’t be more
accurate if it had been
written by your
traditional right-wing
Persons claiming to be
unusually enlightened
with regard to some
subject. 2) a. The
members of a secret
society of freethinkers
and republicans that
flourished in Germany
during the late 18th
century. Also called “Illuminaten.”
b. Persons regarded as
atheists, libertines, or
radical republicans
during the 18th century
(such as French
Encyclopedists, the
Freemasons, or the
freethinkers). 3) The
members of a heretical
sect of 16th-century
Spain, who claimed
special religious
the first
“Persons claiming to
be unusually enlightened
with regard to some
subject.” Members of
the Illuminati consider
themselves to be the
only ones qualified and
sufficiently enlightened
to run the world, and
they are power-hungry
enough to scheme until
they actually control
it…and us. The second
(part “a”) refers to
a “secret society”
going back to Germany as
far as the eighteenth
century; part “b”
says they were regarded
as atheists, libertines,
and radicals, and
further adds a reference
to the Freemasons. The third
brings in
the religious aspect of
the Illuminati, calling
it a heretical sect
claiming special
religious enlightenment.
the CFR, Trilateral
Commission, and
Bilderbergers emphasize
control of the world
through control of world
finances, the
Skull & Bones, and
similar secret societies
found on university
campuses around the
world focus on
education, or the
control of the minds of
our future leaders. Of
course, they all adhere
heavily on the “good
ol’ boy” network,
where anyone who belongs
to the organization is
assured successful
placement in a position
of power and prominence.
In personnel or other
selection, priority is
always given to
candidates who are
brothers of this elite
group over applicants or
candidates who are not.
Sutton, former research
fellow at the Hoover
Institution, Stanford
University, as well as
professor at California
State University, Los
Angeles, authored the
book America’s
Secret Establishment: An
Introduction to the Order
of Skull & Bones.
It details the Order of
the Skull & Bone
(without becoming an
initiate), gives a brief
background on the origin
of the Illuminati, and
makes the case for a
plausible link between
the two groups, though
the author is careful to
point out that his
documentation is
inconclusive as yet.
Illuminati [a secret
society] was a group of
Bavarian conspirators
dedicated to the
overthrow of government.
The society was founded
on May 1, 1776, by Adam
Weishaupt, Professor of
Canon Law at the
University of Igolstadt
[while in America we
were busy drafting the
Declaration of
Independence]. The Order
of the Illuminati
presumably ceased to
exist when it was raided
by the Bavarian police
in 1786.… The Order
was dissolved and its
seized papers published.
Because the Bavarian
state ordered the
Illuminati papers
published, we have
authentic information
about the organization
and its methods of
operation.… Subsequent
investigation [of those
documents] determined
that the aim of the
Illuminati was world
domination, using any
methods to advance the
objective, i.e., the end
always justifies the
means. It was
anti-Christian although
clergymen were found in
the organization. Each
member had a pseudonym
to disguise his identity
[a truly secret society
in every sense of the
term]. (See: Antony
Sutton, “America’s
Introduction to Skull
and Bones,” American Buddha Online Library, last accessed September 25, 2013.)
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Illuminati’s concept
of education can be
traced to the influence
of early
German philosophers.
These concepts were
introduced in the United
States by postgraduate
students studying in
Europe, bringing their
ideas back home with
them, then instigating
the Illuminati plan to
educate our youngsters
according to their goals
and philosophies.
Sutton states (quoting
John Robinson in Proofs
of a Conspiracy):
“So far as education
is concerned, the
Illuminati objective was
as follows: ‘We must
win the common people in
every corner. This will
be obtained chiefly by
means of the schools,
and by open, hearty
behavior, show,
popularity, and
toleration of their
prejudices which we
shall at leisure root
out and dispel’”
(emphasis added; ibid.).
Friedrich Herbart was a
major German philosopher
when the Yale
postgraduate students
were studying there.
Herbart adhered to the
Hegelian philosophy (the
state is superior to the
individual) and
thoroughly indoctrinated
his protégés in this
“For Herbart,
education had to be
presented in a
scientifically correct
manner, and the chief
purpose of education,”
in his opinion, was:
prepare the child to
live properly in the
social order, of which
he is an integral part.
The individual is not
important. The mere
development of
individual talent, of
individual fitness,
mental power, and
knowledge is not the
purpose of education.
The purpose is to
develop personal
character and social
morality, and the most
important task of the
educator is to analyze
the activities and
duties of men within
society. The function of
instruction [according
to Herbart] is to
fulfill these aims and
impart to the individual
socially desirable
ideas. (emphasis
added; Antony Sutton,
“America’s Secret
today’s vernacular, we
would call this being
“PC” (politically
correct). All these
ideas in today’s
American educational
philosophy can be
recognized as
originating and being
transmitted by members
(knights and patriarchs)
of Skull & Bones,
having been learned at
the feet of Illuminati
we progress further into
this investigation, you
will become increasingly
aware of how many people
are members of two or
more such orders. For
example, former
president George H. W.
Bush is a member of the
Order of Skull &
Bones (as was his father
before him), as well as
a member of both the
Council on Foreign
Relations and the
Trilateral Commission.
Other prominent
contemporary members of
Skull & Bones
include Winston Lord,
former ambassador to
China; US senators David
Boren of Oklahoma and
John Chaffe of Rhode
Island; as well as
William F. Buckley (was
the conservative
publisher of The
National Review),
among others.
to Sutton, those on the
“inside” of Skull
& Bones know it
simply as “The
Order.” Others have
known it for more than
one hundred and fifty
years as “Chapter
322” of a German
secret society, which we
will discuss in the next
entry. For legal
purposes it was
incorporated in 1956 as
the Russell Trust. It
was also once known as
the “Brotherhood of
Death.” The casual
name (or the name
sometimes used
derogatorily) is
“Skull & Bones,”
or just plain
“Bones,” and it is
not just another Greek
letter campus fraternity
with passwords and
secret handshakes. It is
far more insidious.
Chapter 322 is a secret
society whose
members are sworn to
silence (they are
supposed to actually
leave the room if
someone outside the
Order even mentions the
name Skull & Bones).
So far as we can
determine, it exists
only on the campus of
Yale University, though
rumors are beginning to
surface indicating there
may be a select number
of other locations;
additionally, rumors
have begun to circulate
regarding possible links
to a couple of other
secret societies on the
Yale campus: the Scroll
& Key and Wolf’s
Head, both founded in
the mid-nineteenth
century. Allegedly,
these are competitive
societies; however,
Sutton believes them to
be part of the same
network. It has rules
and rituals…ceremonial
rites which we will
mention briefly a little
states that its members
“always deny
membership…and in
checking hundreds of
listings for members,
[he] found only half a
dozen who cited an
affiliation with Skull
& Bones” (ibid.).
He is concerned about
whether the many members
of the various
administrations (either
elected or appointed)
have declared their
membership in the
biographical data
supplied to the FBI for
their obligatory
“background checks,”
implying that it is not
Sutton asserts, then
documents, that the
Order is unbelievably
& Bones is an
organization of only
senior students at Yale
University. Each year,
only fifteen initiates
are selected in their
junior year. The
Patriarchs (see below)
only meet annually on
Deer Island in the St.
Lawrence River.
PICTURED: Skull & Bones Members George W. Bush & John Kerry |
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to Skull & Bones is
by invitation only;
there is no lobbying,
electioneering, or
applying for membership.
During commencement
week, the juniors are
privately “tapped.”
The junior is given an
option: “Skull &
Bones. Accept or
reject?” This method
has not changed since
the Order’s inception
in 1832. “Those who
accept, presumably the
greater number, are
invited to attend the
Bones Temple on campus
to undergo an initiation
ceremony [described
briefly below]… For
the ambitious,
‘tapping’ is the
magic password to a
career.” Potential
candidates are
apparently selected
based on their school
and extracurricular
activities, their
support of Yale, and
particularly their
ability—teamwork is
held in very high
esteem. The most
unlikely choice would be
“a loner, an
iconoclast, an
individualist, [a person
who] goes his own way in
the world.” They want
people who put the Order
first, without question,
and who will abide by
the rules at all costs.
Sutton states:
most likely potential
member is from a Bones
family, is energetic,
resourceful, political,
and probably an amoral
team player. A man who
understands that to get
along you have to go
along. A man who will
sacrifice himself for
the good of the team. A
moment’s reflection
illustrates why this is
so. In real life, the
thrust of the Order is
to bring about certain
objectives. Honors and
financial rewards are
guaranteed by the power
of the Order. But the
price of these honors
and rewards is sacrifice
to the common goal, the
goal of the Order. Some,
perhaps many, have not
been willing to pay this
price. (Antony Sutton, “America’s Secret Establishment”)
undergo bizarre rituals
and initiation
ceremonies with sexual
overtones, conducted on
the order of
brainwashing techniques
designed to strip the
initiate of all pride
and sense of self. The
initiates are then
“reprogrammed” to
embrace only the
philosophies and goals
of the Order. (Sutton
describes these rituals
in great detail in his
any given time, about
five to six hundred
members are alive and
active. Roughly about
one quarter of these
take an active role in
furthering the
objectives of the Order;
the others either change
their minds or just lose
interest and become
silent dropouts.
be continued