Thousands of American's are concerned about the totalitarian overtones of this government. Whether it be the NDAA, Executive Orders with ginormous incisors, the attack on the 2nd amendment simultaneous with purchases of ammo by DHS and other agencies large enough to shoot every American about 8 times over, or a host of other power grab policies and maneuvering.
Sometimes it is just a gut feeling that there have been way too many strange occurrences inside of the U.S. that ring of "false flag" to our good senses that are combined with a criminal media that sympathizes and covers up for an illegal President. I know I am not alone waiting for the next shoe to drop. A collapse of the dollar? Dirty bomb in one of our cities? Terror cells unleashed? Some other false flag?
"...do not be discouraged...for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” - 2 Chronicles 20:15
h/t Susan J.
Sometimes it is just a gut feeling that there have been way too many strange occurrences inside of the U.S. that ring of "false flag" to our good senses that are combined with a criminal media that sympathizes and covers up for an illegal President. I know I am not alone waiting for the next shoe to drop. A collapse of the dollar? Dirty bomb in one of our cities? Terror cells unleashed? Some other false flag?
"...do not be discouraged...for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” - 2 Chronicles 20:15
h/t Susan J.