Obama’s Blood Trail From Benghazi to Boston
What do the murders of four Americans in Benghazi have to do with the murders of three in a terrorist attack in Boston?
Plenty, if you understand what you are seeing in the abstract expressionism of the Jackson Pollock painting is actually a blood trail, and the Pollock painting you are closely studying is an exact reproduction of one of his earlier works. It is a reproduction of a reproduction. We’ve seen this picture before, a bloodstained tangle of lies being sold to us as an artistic masterpiece. But you have to step farther back, not closer to the painting, to actually see the blood trail. Does anyone still remember the terror attack and murders of Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012? Does anyone still care? How about the indignation shown by Obama’s then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on January 23, 2013 when being questioned by Senator Johnson about whether the American people were misled about the motive for the attacks? Animated and agitated, Clinton never did answer the question, instead waving her arms and pounding her fist on the table before her in a decidedly undiplomatic like fashion while shedding absolutely no light on what she knew and when she knew it.
What do the murders of four Americans in Benghazi have to do with the murders of three in a terrorist attack in Boston?
Plenty, if you understand what you are seeing in the abstract expressionism of the Jackson Pollock painting is actually a blood trail, and the Pollock painting you are closely studying is an exact reproduction of one of his earlier works. It is a reproduction of a reproduction. We’ve seen this picture before, a bloodstained tangle of lies being sold to us as an artistic masterpiece. But you have to step farther back, not closer to the painting, to actually see the blood trail. Does anyone still remember the terror attack and murders of Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012? Does anyone still care? How about the indignation shown by Obama’s then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on January 23, 2013 when being questioned by Senator Johnson about whether the American people were misled about the motive for the attacks? Animated and agitated, Clinton never did answer the question, instead waving her arms and pounding her fist on the table before her in a decidedly undiplomatic like fashion while shedding absolutely no light on what she knew and when she knew it.
Her response was dreadfully shrill yet
non-committal, instead rebuking the Senator for seeking the truth with
“Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk
one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at
this point, does it make?”
In the wake of the bombings in Boston
and amid information the government and media does not want you, the
average American citizen to know, motive and causation make a lot of
difference. Compare Clinton’s terse response to questions surrounding
Benghazi with that of Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano,
whose testosterone levels rose sharply as she decided that she would not even dignify
Congressman Jeff Duncan’s questioning this week about the reported
involvement of a Saudi national identified as Abdulrahman Ali Isa
al-Salami al-Harbi, a/k/a Abdulrahman al Harbi.
The Saudi connections
In the event you don’t recognize that
name associated with the Boston bombing, the media initially reported
that a Saudi national, later determined to be al Harbi, was under guard
at a Boston hospital after being injured in the attack. He was seen
running from the explosions and tackled by police a short distance from
the bombing site. During the normal investigative process of al Harbi,
investigators learned that he was reportedly the subject of an alleged deportation
order under Section 212 3B Immigration & Nationality Act regarding
“Security and related grounds – Terrorist Activities, but completely
unrelated to Boston. To get on this list requires some pretty
substantial evidence. To be removed from this list is practically
impossible, short of detention or death.
Amid the flurry of media reports that
followed, however, his name and status at the hospital were gradually
and methodically being erased from news reports and people’s memories.
An intentional government and media brown-out turned into a noticeable
blackout, even while federal authorities were searching his fifth floor
apartment at 364 Ocean Avenue, Revere, MA and removing various items for
forensic analysis.
Before the last items taken from his
apartment, I am told, orders were given to immediately stop any
investigation of al Harbi. Suddenly and inexplicably, al Harbi became
off limits, and a few federal agents are angry and want to know why.
His status under Section 212 3B was
reportedly rescinded about 5:30 p.m. ET Wednesday, and he suddenly
enjoyed protective status on orders from the “highest levels of our
government,” but not before Congressman Duncan had a copy of the 212 3B
status of al Harbi. Additionally, it is reported, not only was the order
rescinded, but his file was made to appear as if the order never existed in the first place.
According to sources close to this
author, al Harbi became the primary focus of a high level diplomatic
meeting between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi Foreign
Minister Saud al Faisal on Tuesday morning, the day after the marathon
bombing and the day before his status suddenly changed. The 10:00 am
meeting was abruptly closed to the press with only minutes notice,
something that rarely happens. The reason, according to sources with
knowledge of the matter, is due to the classification of al Harbi as a
person of interest in the marathon bombing and his status as a Saudi
The aforementioned file alteration and
status were changed following this meeting, and arrangements were
reportedly made for him to leave the United States. As all of this
reportedly took place in such a very short period of time, it is
important to understand that the alleged changes had to have the
approval at the level of the U.S. Secretary of State – or higher. It was
done on behalf of the Saudis, with approval and direction from the
highest levels of our own government. Why is this important to the
events in Boston and Benghazi?
Benghazi to Boston: the Saudi agenda & shielding the truth
First, don’t get stuck in the minutia of
al Harbi, just be aware of it and who is behind it. Instead, look at
the larger picture. To be clear, al Harbi himself is not the main story
here. It’s bigger than that, and the problem is that people are not thinking big enough. It’s
about an agenda to shape the world power structure. The Obama regime is
in place to finish what was started long ago. Now, the players under
Obama and a complicit press are shielding the truth from the American
people. We are not being told the truth about anything, from Benghazi to
Boston, and the common factor in all of this is Saudi Arabia.
Our intimate relationship with Saudi
Arabia began in earnest (most recently) under George Herbert Walker
Bush, and was further expanded by George W. Bush, a/k/a “Bandar Bush,” a
name earned for his intimate relationship with Prince Sultan bin Bandar
of Saudi Arabia. It should be clear by now that the continuity of this
globalist, Pan-Islamic agenda that existed under Bush was further
solidified and even expanded by the Obama administration. It is not a
political agenda, but a globalist one. We do not have elected leaders
who favor the U.S., but internationalists that favor the globalist
agenda. Understanding this should explain that the right-left paradigm
is a historical artifact, and provide prospective in terms of how the
government is pushing this agenda towards completion. We’ve been
overtaken and captured from within.
We’ve learned from the 2001 attacks that the Saudis are the largest exporters of terrorism, yet we continue to work for
them, providing our military assets and our troops to doing their dirty
work. Through the Muslim Brotherhood, they have infiltrated many, if
not all levels of our government. As stated, this did not begin under
Obama, but was expanded under him. And what better presidential
candidate was there to accomplish this objective? Now does his meteoric
rise from a community organizer to state senator to President make
better sense?
We still cannot even have any
intelligent conversation about Obama’s Constitutional legitimacy to hold
the Office of President without being marginalized by both sides of the
political divide. Why then, would we expect the truth about Benghazi?
And yet, Americans believe what they see and hear about everything from
Benghazi, Boston, and even to matters of our economy? We are a captured operation.
Just as the situation involving al Harbi
provides us with a window into this agenda, Benghazi provides us with
that same window. Unraveling the truth from the lies in both instances
will show just how deep the U.S. is involved with expanding the Saudi
Kingdom of power across the Middle East, even at our own national peril.
Of critical importance, this relationship is leading us on the path to World War III.
Before the marathon bombings, Russian
intelligence officials warned the U.S. about the Islamic terror threat
posed by Islamic terrorists in the U.S., including the older brother of
the Boston bombing duo. The FBI KNEW the identity of the elder Boston
bomber a year ago. Yet, the U.S. DHS, under the Obama regime,
deliberately ignored the warnings. We’re spreading and actually
sponsoring this radicalization through this Pan-Islamic agenda, yet most
people cannot see the bigger picture.
Putin warned us that our policies were
the equivalent of playing with dynamite, and continuing to play would
result in a direct confrontation with them. During the so-called Arab
Spring, Putin also warned the U.S. not to destabilize the Middle East,
and warned Obama not to meddle in the affairs of Syria, which he
described as their “red line in the sand.” Syria holds strategic
military and economic importance for Russia and China, and is the
backdoor to Iran, another country of importance to both superpowers.
Despite these warnings, the U.S. set up
the largest weapons running operation in Benghazi, a location from where
weapons were shipped under U.S. operational command to the Islamic
terrorists in Syria to topple the Assad regime. The Saudis were the
paymasters for this operation, but are duplicitous.
Benghazi was the direct result of this
operation, and we now find ourselves in a proxy war with Russia-and soon
to be China- with no peaceful end in sight as the U.S. continues to do
the dirty work for the Saudis, the internationalists, the international
bankers, and the global elite. The terror attacks in Boston were the
latest blowback from our foreign policy, and there will be more.
Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, and
the entirety of the Obama regime are refusing to provide Americans with
any truths about what is actually taking place, whether it is about a
sole Saudi citizen or the attacks in Benghazi, complete Saudi agenda.
Meanwhile, clueless Americans cheer as the younger bombing suspect is
arrested after one of the most unprecedented manhunts in U.S. history,
but fail to see all of the entanglements of the Pollock painting. We are
willfully and almost gleefully giving up our rights because of the
globalists who are running the foreign and domestic policies.
The path to WW III
Like the Pollock paintings, people must
be able to see the connections – the blood trails – that connect the
terrorist attacks in Boston to the terrorist attacks in Benghzi. We are
emboldening the Muslim terrorists by our foreign policies. We are
training them, arming them, and in some cases, siding with one faction
over another. We are not exporting peace or freeing people from
oppression, but creating a new world order.
Time and again, from the first World
Trade Center Bombing to 9/11, from Benghazi to Boston, we see the same
template reproductions of the paintings, yet don’t recognize it.
We are not dealing with Americans with
an American mentality. No, we are dealing with Americans in name only,
driven by an internationalist, global mentality.
The “elected” are the “elect” vying for a
future seat at the global table. They are hidden amid the entanglements
of the Pollock work. They are the very ones who will lead us into
global conflict.
So when you see the next massive manhunt
that closes a city, understand that this is of our own doing. This is
part of a larger agenda that you must step back from the painting to
identify. While we surrender our rights domestically, we advance on the
path that takes us into WW III. Boston was an indirect blowback from
Benghazi, but the truth of the matter will continue to remain hidden
unless we demand and receive answers to the proper questions. That is
assuming, of course, there is anyone left to ask such questions.
Step back and look at the larger picture. See the blood trail that extends among the continents.
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Jackson Pollock "The Moon Woman" 1942 |