All Senate Republicans Vote to Defund Obamacare

 Has anyone considered, I know 2014 seems a long way off, the Republicans losing majoriy control of the House too?  The Democrats literally stole the Presidential election in both 2008 and 2012 in my opinion, and I have seen nothing to convince me that this will not be their strategy going into the steal the majority in the House from Republican control as well.  That will really be smooth sailing for the Socialist Agenda.  
- W.E.


On Wednesday, every GOP senator voted to defund Obamacare on an amendment to the Continuing Resolution that funds government for the rest of the fiscal year.
The amendment from Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz failed to pass, as all 52 Democrats voted against it. The fact that all 45 GOP members in the upper chamber voted for it, however, is a stark contrast to the way House Republican leadership has led Congress’ lower chamber on the same issue.
House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor rushed the CR to the floor for a vote last week when they received a letter from conservative House members calling for a CR that defunds Obamacare. Reps. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas led an effort to get 30 total House Republicans to sign onto a letter calling for the CR to defund Obamacare. When Boehner and Cantor got the letter on Tuesday night last week and saw 30 of their colleagues had signed it, a senior GOP source told Breitbart News they “scheduled the vote for Wednesday morning “ because the letter caused them to believe it was “better to go now than wait.”
Boehner and Cantor and other members of House GOP leadership blocked any effort at all to even have a floor vote on an amendment to defund Obamacare in the CR. 
With today's vote, the center of the loyal opposition to Obama continues to shift to the Senate.

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