Six States Say They Will Take Action Against White House's Gun Control Policies

I woke this morning to read these headlines from Drudge:

Vegas: 60,000 Expected To Attend Gun Show...
Idaho: 'People can hardly walk they've got so much stuff'...
S Dakota: 'Unprecedented demand'...
Kentucky: 'Store shelves bare'...
Virginia: Lines Stretched for Hundreds of Yards...
Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama...
NRA Ad: President Is 'Elitist Hypocrite'...
W.H. Releases Letters from Pleading Children...

We are living in unprecedented times where our constitutional rights are under attack from our own government, led by a President that is spending millions in court protecting his true foreign identity and Americans around the country are seeing the power grab for what it is: TYRANNY.  
States are beginning to take measures, as they should, to stop the power grab.   

It is a good time for prayer:
"in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."
It is an even better time for us to have confessed our sins against the Most Holy and turn to His Son by faith, asking forgiveness- a prayer He delights in. 


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