Calling All Military Veterans


An unknown song writer once wrote these words: “A veteran is a man or woman who at one point in their life wrote a blank check payable up to and including their life.”  
The check was payable to the people of the United States of America and to make sure we were understood we took an oath that said “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
          Now, we have fought our wars against foreign enemies, but we still have that blank check and that oath that we have never given up. I am therefore calling on my comrades in arms and fellow veterans to go into battle again and defend our nation and our Constitution on the political battlefield. There are over 21 million veterans in this countryand this election is another fight that we must win if we are to see our nation survive.
          We have a President of the United States who is openly hostile to the Constitution. He has stated that if Congress does not pass the legislation he wants he will do it by issuing executive orders, and he continuously does just that despite the fact that it violates the Constitution. He is destroying the balance of power that is one of the mainstays of our Constitution.
           When you combine that with the fact that he has appointed some 45 Czars without the required approval of the Senate, gone to war in Libya without Congressional approval, and signaled that he is planning to sign and implement United Nations treaties without submitting them to the Senate for ratification, it is clear that he is establishing a de facto dictatorship.
          I have posted many articles on this blog detailing the Obama administration’s all out assault on individual liberties in this county, particularly those enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Whether you look at freedom of speech and religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to due process of law, or any of our other basic rights, the President seems intent on restricting them or abolishing them all together.
          In addition, Obama has put us in a position where our nation is no longer respected around the world. He continues to apologize to our enemies and ignore or insult our friends. He still refuses to acknowledge the dangers of radical Islam and Sharia law and is putting the safety of every American at risk. We all know that the murder of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood was not workplace violence, but an act of terrorism, and the murder of our Ambassador and three other brave Americans in Libya on 9/11 was not a spontaneous reaction to a video on You Tube. It’s time that we let the President know that we are not stupid.
          As veterans, we must also be aware of what is happening to our military. Obama is cutting the size of our military and stopping the production of the weapons and equipment needed by our personnel to effectively defend us and stay alive while doing so. He is stripping the military of a key component for many of its members, their faith in God. He sees political correctness as more important than giving our men and women in the service the same freedom of religion that they are fighting to defend. Now, we are learning that under Obamacare the President is mandating that our military members, veterans and their families pay much more for their medical care. However, civilian employees of the Department of  Defense who happen to be union members will not see any increase in their costs for the same benefits.
          As I have watched the progression of the Obama Presidency it has become clear that his agenda is not what I took an oath to protect. I did not take an oath of allegiance to defend socialism, or any other form of dictatorship, and I certainly did not take an oath to take away the Constitutional rights of my fellow Americans. Obama took the same type of oath I did, but he seems to have no problem violating it. I cannot and will not accept that.
          So, once again I am calling on my fellow veterans to join me in stepping up to the plate once again, and not only voting to retire Obama on November 6, 2012 and to retire members of the House and Senate who do not support the Constitution, but to get other Veterans to do the same. If we lose this time we may never have another chance.

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