VIDEO PROOF: Obama KNEW about Gun Walking into Mexico in March 2009


The video will be used as powerful testimony in a court of law, along with the other 70,000 pages that the White House doesn't want to come out.  Maybe this picture is more accurate than we know:

At a news conference held by the White House in March of 2009 where it was said they wanted to talk about "an issue very important to the President".  The U.S. Deputy General David Ogden used terms like, " Under the President's leadership" and "The President has directed" in the context of, "to fortify project Gunrunner".  The Deputy General goes on to say that 9 ATF agents would be working inside of Mexico "To facilitate gun tracing".

Janet Napolitano spoke on "increasing gun tracing":  "This will help us identify who is putting those arms into the arms, those guns into the arms of the traffickers moving south"

Here's my question:  Can Issa get Obama to testify before his committee, or can we go straight to impeachment?- W.E.


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