Occupy Wall Street Shows True Colors: Pro-Abortion, Anti-Christian
“You will know them by their fruits.” -Matthew 7:15
Occupy Wall Streeters (OWS) call themselves a movement in protest against America’s economic elite — the Top One Percent in income and wealth. But action always speaks louder and are more revealing than words.
From the beginning, Fellowship of the Minds has pointed to OWS’s true hard-left nature. The latest activities of OWS now leave no doubt as to what this movement is really about.
Yesterday was the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision that opened America’s floodgate to abortion. To mark that woeful anniversary, many Marches for Life were held across America.
On Sunday, January 22, 2012, the first-ever official March for Life Youth Rally convened in Washington, D.C., with 1,200 attendees, including March for Life founder Nellie Gray. The rally was disrupted by 15-20 Occupy protestors situated in threes throughout the auditorium, who stood and began shouting pro-abortion chants, drowning out the speaker at the mic.
Amidst chants of “occupy anti-choice” and “pro-life, that’s a lie, you don’t care if women die,” rally organizers instructed the youth not to react but to pray as security was called. As the shouting continued and security was delayed, organizers chose to begin the first set of music. The cheers of the massive crowd at the suggestion drowned out the protestors, who were unheard from that point until they were escorted out by security.
At the same time, Occupy Wall Streeters in New York vandalized a Manhattan church and urinated on the cross in a Brooklyn church.
Candice M. Giove reports for the New York Post, Jan. 22, 2012, that when Rev. Bob Brashear prepared for Sunday morning services at Manhattan’s West Park Presbyterian Church, he noticed parts of the bronze baptismal font were gone. The 18-inch-diameter bronze basin and lid missing from the baptismal font’s 800-pound base. Holy water — straight from the River Jordan — had been poured from the missing basin insert into the base’s bowl.

Just 3 weeks earlier, a $2,400 Apple MacBook had vanished from Brashear’s office. He told the occupiers that even when the 100-year-old Upper West Side church extended help to addicts during the 1980s drug scourge, no visitors touched its $12,500 sacramental instrument. “Not even crackheads messed with that,” Rev. Brashear said.
He then issued a stern warning to the Occupiers: “You have 24 hours to find it [the baptismal font] and to come up with an amends and to come up with a plan. ‘I’m sorry and it won’t happen again’ won’t work.”
The pastor and a worshipper finally found the missing basin tossed into a small room connected to the church. The lid is still missing. The pastor has given protesters two weeks to vacate the church.
OWS did something even worse at the Park Slope Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, which had also offered shelter to occupiers — they urinated on a cross.
Stoyan Zaimov reports for the Christian Post, Jan. 23, 2012:
At Park Slope Presbyterian Church…officials have revealed that activists have desecrated its property.
Rabbi Chaim Gruber, who had previously announced his solidarity with the OWS movement, claimed that an activist had urinated inside the church, and the urine had come in contact with a cross.
The rabbi posted a long letter on the New York General Assembly website revealing that since the incident and other disagreeable issues within the movement, he has since retracted his support from the group, as he feels it has lost the values he initially respected it for.