UPDATE: All Reporting CUT OFF at Bundy Ranch!!! Please Pray!

I am adding this video (below) 4/12 6:23pm EST.  It is a video from yesterday, but may be relevant today, or may explain how this original new story (Report of  CUT OFF at Buddy Ranch) developed from.  
The latest news today that I have seen is that BLM and the Bundy's have reached an agreement and that the BLM has backed off: 

Breaking: Federal SWAT Team Backs Down In Armed Standoff With Militia, Will Return Cattle 

Here also: Live Coverage: Clark Co. Sheriff Announces BLM ‘Will Cease Operation,’ Cattle Released

Having said that, there is a lot more to this story that is developing regarding Nevada Communist Senator Reid, the BLM and the Chinese Government who may have been promised this land, or use of it.  


 UPDATE II: BREAKING: Militia and Feds Standoff at BLM Gates 


"Rumors of shots fired"

"They re-looping everything."
"Facebook they are re-looping everything". 
"Twitter they re-looping everything."  
"Data has been cut"


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