You may find this amusing, but by nature I am not by any means a "doom and gloom" guy.  But I am a realist and a student of scripture.  The international banking cartels, that is the Elite and their henchman, have the planned collapse of the current economic systems in place around the world. 
Count on it.  
In order to bring about a one world government, there must be an infrastructure and a one world economy is that infrastructure. At some point, the globalists shall have their coveted one world economy and government. For a one world economy to come to pass, the current structure must collapse to bring in the new system. That may sound like "doom and gloom" to some, but that is what the great Apostle John saw in his vision, and so it will come to pass.  The cost of this, and I am not speaking monetarily will likely be enormous, pocked with much sorrow.  - W.E.

"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy"- 1 Timothy 6:17


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