Rep. Allen West Calls on CBC to Condemn Carson‘s ’Hate-Filled Comments‘ or He’ll Quit Caucus

The hateful rhetoric of Democratic Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, as first reported by The Blaze Tuesday, has gained some national traction. No-nonsense Republican Florida Rep. Allen West has called on the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to condemn Rep. Carson’s remarks made on August 22, including suggestions like “Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me hanging on a tree.”  Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning, Rep. West, who is also a member of the Tea Party Caucus, first said that he has been considering dropping out of the CBC after hearing Rep. Carson’s Lynching remarks, and Rep. Maxine Waters’ “Tea Party can go straight to hell” statement. Wednesday morning Rep. West said that he thinks the caucus is not in tune to the true problems of the black community and is also concerned about the rhetoric its members are engaging in.  CONTINUE

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